Scholarship Information

Russell S. Ramsay Memorial Trust Scholarship
Maximum Amount: $2,000.00
Faculty: Nursing
Entering 1st Year
Application Form:
Deadline: 01-Mar
Scholarship Type: Scholarship
Description: Awarded to a graduating student from Westisle Composite High who is entering the first year of the Bachelor of Nursing program or the Bachelor of Business Administration program at 秀色短视频. Recipient will be the student with the highest academic standing entering either of the above programs. The recipient should also show a concern and compassion for the welfare of others.
Background: Russell S. Ramsay was born and raised in Rosebank, PEI, where he operated the family farm and a trucking business. During W.W. II he became a Life Underwriter for the Canada Life Assurance Co. In his first year, he was recognized as the best salesman for the entire company (including Canada, U.S. and the British Isles). In 1943, he married Cordelia Harrington, R.N. of Spring Valley, PEI. They resided in Summerside until 1953 before moving to Medicine Hat and Calgary for a short while. Soon he transferred to the Canada Life branch in Los Angeles, California. There he furthered his education and obtained his Canada Life Underwriters degree. Mr. Ramsay became interested in real estate and owned and operated several apartment buildings in the L.A. area after his retirement from Canada Life. He and Cordelia continued to live in Los Angeles until his death in 1987 at the age of 74 years. Mr. Ramsay had many endearing qualities. A very kind man, he was never too busy to listen to and help a friend or those in need. He could entertain people for hours with his pleasing personality as well as being a gifted conversationalist. He was an impeccable dresser, and he never drank nor smoked. This annual scholarship was made possible through a gift in his memory by his widow, Cordelia Ramsay-Butler (deceased 1996).
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