Scholarship Information

J. Jarvis Stewart Memorial Awards
Current 3rd Year
Process: Recommendation from the Religious Department.
Scholarship Type: Award
Description: Awarded to two student who have declared their major or minor in Religious Studies and interested in pursuing a career in some aspect of Christian ministry, including counselling, nursing or overseas development, as well as ordained ministry.
Background: J. Jarvis Stewart was born in Dunstaffnage, PEI in 1881, the son of James Stewart and Isabel Agnes Rattray Stewart. Jarvis's father died when he was 15 years old, and from that time on "Jarvie" or JJ, as he was known, became the breadwinner of the family and the sole support of his widowed mother. He would load the wagon with vegetables from the farm and drive the horse and wagon into Charlottetown to sell at the Farmers' Market. He expanded the business by chartering a schooner to s ell produce in Cape Breton, returning with coal to sell in Charlottetown. Jarvis became a successful businessman, later moving to Charlottetown where he bought, renovated and built a number of buildings. JJ also rented heavy jacks used to move buildings anywhere on PEI - every rental involving a lengthy conversation as part of the transaction. JJ Jarvis had little formal education and worked hard all his life beginning in his early teens. Frugal on his own behalf, JJ was a generous and kind man. He died January 7, 1968 at the age of 87. In establishing this Memorial Fund he wanted to honour his parents, and give a helping hand to the children of the common people with whom he associated throughout his life. Most importantly, he wanted to do something to benefit his province, Prince Edward Island.
Scholarships and Awards

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