Languages of the World

"Languages of the World" Course Cluster

Can you imagine how many languages people speak around the world? Even in Canada and on PEI, a lot of people speak languages other than English, and these people are not just tourists, they can be our neighbours, friends, colleagues, customers, or clients. In addition to helping us maintain good relations with them, the smallest knowledge of another language can help us improve our own language, give us a lead in university courses (science, history, English, etc.), give us a competitive edge on the job market (teaching, business, law, science, tourism industry, etc.), and also help us learn new cultures and new ways of thinking in a world which is more and more focusing on communication, while sharpening our own cognitive, social and global skills.

In this cluster, we offer you an introduction to the following languages:

  • Chinese, Japanese, and Korean: Asian Studies 1010/1020 (cross-listed with Modern Languages 1010/1020) – Introduction to [selected Asian language] I and II
  • Greek (1010/1020)
  • Latin (1010/1020)
  • French (1010/1020)
  • Spanish (1010/1020)

Further study of languages is also possible.