How to Hire a Student

Hiring a Co-op student is a rewarding experience for both the employer and the student. Co-op students are of very high caliber and are only admitted into the program after an evaluation of their academic performance, work experience, attitude, and their level of ambition are assessed. Once in the program, students are continually provided tools and coached to prepare them for employment opportunities and increasing their value to the workplace.

Step 1: Post Your Position

The first step to hiring a student is to submit your job posting through our . This form provides information about your business, the position, skills required, start and end dates, level of study, salary, and other details. If you have a funding source, please identify any restrictions such as Canadian citizenship, student standing (e.g., third-year standing), specific faculty (e.g., business, computer science, physics, biology, chemistry, economics) and any other restriction.

Once the posting is received by the Co-op Office, the Job Development Coordinator will connect with the employer to confirm receipt and discuss the position in more detail.

The job will be posted only for co-op students enrolled in the program, and available to them on an internal site. We recommend posting the job for a minimum of one week, and the package of applications will be sent to the employer, via email, the following business day.

Submit a Co-op Position 

Step 2: Screen Applications and Schedule Interviews

The employer screens the student applications and decides which candidates to interview. Once the list of those selected for interviews has been finalized, the employer must share the list with the Co-op Office. The Co-op Office can assist with scheduling the interviews.

Interviews can take place on campus or at the employer鈥檚 work site.

Step 3: Selection of the Successful Candidate

Following interviews, the employer may select and make a job offer, through the Co-op Office, to the successful candidate. The successful candidate has 24 hours to accept or decline the offer. If the candidate accepts the offer, we ask that the employer finalize the agreement with a contract or formal letter of offer. If the first candidate does not accept the position, the employer can make an offer to the next most qualified applicant. The employer is not obligated to hire if no suitable candidates are found.

Submit a Job Posting