Co-op Program Structure

Students enter the Co-op program in the Fall of their second year of study (see Apply for Co-op) and will complete three, 14–16 week, full-time, paid work terms prior to graduation. Students participate in Career Skills workshops prior to each work term and the combination of one set of modules and one work term, will provide three semester hours of credit toward your degree. Please note that graduation requirements for the various programs may differ. Please refer to the for more information or contact the Co-op Office.

Typical path through co-op 

Year of study

September - December

January - April

May - August

Year One




Year Two (accepted into co-op in the Fall)



Work Term #1

Year Three

Academic -OR- Work Term #2

Work Term #2 -OR- Academic 

Work Term #3

Year Four




Year Five


Academic, if needed


Co-op students are encouraged to take advantage of work term opportunities all year round, and must include at least one work term during a Fall or Winter term. Co-op students are required to complete their co-op academic program on an academic term and complete all co-op program requirements prior to graduation in order to acquire the Co-operative Education designation. 

For each credit and accompanying work term, students must submit all the required assignments for final course grading by the Academic Director.

For complete information, .